Length Sizing

Length can be a tricky thing, so here's some ballpark suggestions to get people started. These may be trickier if youre an extreme grower or shower:

You'll need your flaccid CI level. You can get that here (WARNING, NSFW LINK):


CI 0-1: Start with a +0. If it doesn't fit, do manuals/taping until it does.

CI 2: Start with a 0 or 5, depending on how tight a CI 2 you are.

CI 3: this one has some variance due to the hump. If you get no rollover, I suggest a +10. Some rollover, a 15. Near constant rollover? +20.

CI 4: A 25 or 30 will most likely work, I suggest the 30 for those closer to CI-5 then CI-4 however.

From this point on its VERY hard to judge, as everyone is different past the hump, so if you're past a CI-5 I'd start with a 30 and experiment from there.