Forms of Tension



Foreskin tensioning is a broad, yet surprisingly simple topic. Where it gets broad and potentially complicated is how to apply that tension! Below I'll break down the various popular forms of devices/techniques, and how they work.


Manual techniques have been practiced for basically as long as circumcision has existed. The concept is simple, you just pull on the skin with your hands for a couple minutes each hour. Its foolproof, and entirely free. There are several techniques and grips you can do for this, I recommend visiting the subreddit (, they have plenty of good information on exactly this in their starter guides.

Pros of manual:

- Completely free

- Allows you to focus on specific areas

- Simple

Cons of manual:

More active than other forms

- You need time to actively do it. Tricky during work!



Taping is also very simple, and can be done at ALL CI levels. There are guides on the subreddit I linked, but the concept is just taping along the circumcision line, then using a strap or weight to apply tension to the skin.

Pros of Taping:

- Very Cheap

- Set and Forget

Cons of taping:

Making the tapes can be a pain in the butt, and you have to remake them every time

- Adhesives can be painful to remove if too strong, or fall off easily if too weak.

Dual Tension

This is what most devices are, including comfort packers. This pushes the glans down while pulling the skin up, usually with some kind of gripper and push plate. This is my personal recommendation for those early in, since you want as much skin of both types as humanly possible.

Pros of Dual-Tension:

- Wide variety of well made devices

- Set and Forget

- Targets inner and outer skin

Cons of Dual Tension:

- Can get Expensive

- Should never be painful, but can be awkward until broken in, especially with a pusher plate.

- Need to be CI-2 or 3 to have enough skin to get under the gripper for most devices

Traditional Tugging

Most OTHER devices are this. Hold the skin and pull, usually with a strap. Very simple concept and is very good at growing outer skin. Comfort packers can be turned into this with the strap kit, which I recommend if you had an uneven cut or one that didn't leave you with much outer skin.

Pros of Traditional Tugging:

- Wide variety of well made devices

- Set and Forget

- Easy to Conceal

- Great for targeting outer skin

Cons of Traditional Tugging:

- Tension changes based on where you attach the strap, and can be variable based on standing/sitting, etc.

- Need to be CI-2 or 3 to have enough skin to get under the gripper for most devices

- Not great at growing inner skin 


Very, very similar to traditional tugging, except the tension comes from weight attached to the front of the device. Generally has the same pros and cons, but do note it's ineffective when seated unless special considerations are taken.


An odd duck of restoration, and a favorite of many. Rather than following the general practice of "pull on the skin in some form", you inflate the foreskin with air and allow the pressure to tension it. It's generally considered the best way to target inner skin.

Pros of Air:

- Wide variety of well made devices

- GENERALLY set and Forget

- Great for targeting inner skin

Cons of Air:

- Extra precautions are needed. Some form of quick release valve is good, and for the love of God cover your urethra. You do NOT want air in your bladder.

- Need to be CI-2 or 3 to have enough skin to get under the gripper for most devices.