Grand opening, and what's next!

Hello world!

After a lot of hurry up and go, and a failed attempt at an etsy store, I can finally share my comfort packers with the world (or the US for now at least). My printer is printing, the silicone is curing, and all your orders are getting made as we speak!


So, what's next for my little shop? First, I want to get the small and large device line underway. Most people seem fine with mediums, but more options are always better. Second is my weight system. I have it designed and a prototype made (check the restoration subreddit to see it!), but I had some minor tweaks to make before I feel comfortable unleashing it on the world. And third, I want to get my air adaptor made. This has been on my mind for a few weeks now, I just need to get the time to design the darn thing.

Thanks for the patience everyone! I won't let you down!


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