9/10 Update

Hoo boy what a couple weeks.

So, I have minor bad news and VERY good news. I'll start with the bad. First, apologies for any delays to current orders, I recently got a massive influx of them and I'm just one guy who also works a full time job, so... yeah. Second, I have to increase the price slightly (20 to 23) in order to keep this viable.

In lighter news, I have a couple massive updates for you guys!

First, I fully switched over to my packer v2 design. These have multiple improvements that should make it a much, much better product.

Second, I finally began work on the small and large size range! I'm hoping to have these ready to go in the next couple weeks.

Third, I've done a TON of work on my addon systems. Magnets, tug straps, inflation, etc. Keep an ear out!

Thanks for all the support people!

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